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중개형 ISA 계좌 만기 1. 만기일 및 세제혜택 유의사항 ISA 계좌 내 자산을 만기일 전까지 매도 또는 환매하지 않으면 세제혜택을 받을 수 없습니다. 2. 서민형 ISA 계좌의 만기 연장 시 유의사항 서민형 가입자가 만기 연장 시점에 일반형 대상자가 되면, 만기 연장 후에도 세제혜택을 유지할 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 만기 연장이 세제혜택에 유리하지 않을 수 있으니 주의하셔야 합니다. 3. 만기 연장 방법 만기일 전일까지 모바일앱, 유선, 또는 지점 방문을 통해 만기 연장이 가능합니다. 자세한 사항은 증권사 홈페이지나 관리점을 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
전화영어는 티쳐스스쿨밖에 안 해봤었는데, 친구가 스피쿠스도 괜찮다고 추천해줬다. 스피쿠스는 티쳐스스쿨보다는 훨씬 기업형이고, 모바일 앱도 있고, 전화영어를 하는 사람이 북미 사람으로 구성되어있고, 프로그램도 체계적이라고. 인터넷으로 레벨테스트를 신청해서 바로 볼 수 있다. https://www.spicus.com/lt/intro.asp 스피쿠스 - Time to Speak 800개 기업, 38만 회원이 선택한 스피쿠스 1:1 전화영어/영어회화, 수준별/테마별 맞춤형 커리큘럼, 100% 모바일 학습 지원, 레벨테스트로 실력 측정하고 1:1 영어회화를 시작하세요. www.spicus.com 다른 전화영어 레벨테스트도 비슷하겠지만, 여기는 좀 더 체계적으로 뭘 물어볼건지 미리 안내를 해준다는 점이 좋았다. 테..
In 2019, the Koeran government introduced a 52-hour work week limitation for business enterprises. The regulation began with larger entities which employ more than 500 people and will spread to smaller companies. Some people worry about the disadvantages of the regulation such as the limitation of overtime compensation, the breach of freedom to work longer, and lower productivity. Despite the si..
Half of Seoul citizens live in an apartment. In other words, the other half of Seoul citizens live in detached houses or in different types of housing. Apartments and detached houses have special features that lead to different benefits. In this essay, an apartment is a form of residence which has more than 5 stories, allows residents to share walls with their neighbors, and has a standardized f..
The 2017 Pohang earthquake, in the Southern part of Korea, was a sudden surprise. The earthquake was powerful, registering 5.4 on the Richter scale. The governmental research group discovered that geothermal power generation influenced the earthquake. In theory, academic research shows how geothermal power generation can cause an earthquake. Geothermal power generation can be defined as making e..
In November of 2017, an earthquake occurred in Pohang which registered 5.4 on the Richter scale. No one expected such a severe earthquake in Korea, with the exception of the Handong University students union. The university was noticed by the media because the students were evacuated in an amazingly perfect order. The Handong students demonstrated the effectiveness of regular emergency evacuatio..
Technology provides advanced ways to learn, translate and retrieve a language. Nowadays, language learners have more online resources for practicing foreign languages. Technology has improved the translation field as well. Translation tools are increasingly available online, and the effectiveness of translation has also increased as a result of the ability to analyze online sources. Joyce introd..
eduation three criteria to choose a major 1. interest 2. talent 3. future career path Introduction: importance of choosing a major - A major is a big part of university life and future career. 1. Interst is a fuel to work on the major 2. Talent works as a booster to make studying easier. 3. Prospects for future path is important as a major becomes a key factor for future direction. Conclusion: T..
Gangnam never dies: the demand and supply Gangnam house price will not go down demand-supply. 1) Demand1 there is huge demand for children education in equilized environment parents don't want their children play&study with friends from less-previliaged household. schools with long history are in Gangnam area due to 1980s policy 2) Demand2 Shopping, Workspaces, Intrastructure(roads, metro..) are..
According to Bloomberg, investors have been rushing to buy US exchange-traded funds (ETFs) composed of Chinese equities. What is an ETF? How can the funds induce US investors purchase of Chinese assets through US exchanges? ETFs are funds that are traded like equities. To form of an ETF, liquidity providers, primarily including brokerage firms, organize a basket of underlying assets. Per the reg..